Google Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM): A User Management Service

Google Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Google Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a user management service that helps you manage access to your Google Cloud resources. It enables you to create and manage users and their permissions to access your Google Cloud resources through roles and policies.

Benefits of Google Cloud IAM

Google Cloud IAM provides a secure and efficient way to manage user access to your Google Cloud resources. It helps you control who can access your resources, what they can do, and when they can do it. With Google Cloud IAM, you can:

  • Set up roles and policies to control who can access your resources and what they can do
  • Easily manage user access to your resources
  • Create and manage users and their permissions
  • Monitor user activity
  • Securely store user credentials

How Google Cloud IAM Works

Google Cloud IAM works by assigning roles to users, groups, and service accounts. The roles define what actions a user can take on resources, such as creating, deleting, or editing resources. In addition, policies can be set up to further control what actions can be taken. For example, a policy could prevent a user from deleting a resource.

Once a user or group has been assigned a role, they can begin to access the resources they have permission to access. Users can use their Google credentials to log in and access the resources they have permission to access.


Google Cloud IAM is a powerful user management service that helps you manage access to your Google Cloud resources. It enables you to create and manage users and their permissions to access your Google Cloud resources through roles and policies. It also allows you to monitor user activity and securely store user credentials. With Google Cloud IAM, you can easily and securely manage user access to your resources.

Google Cloud IAM is a user management service that enables secure and efficient control of access to Google Cloud resources. It provides roles and policies to control actions users can take and can monitor user activity and store user credentials.